Revision Commission
The Revision Commission is elected by the General Shareholders Meeting of PJSC IDGC of Siberia for the purpose of control over Company financial and economic activity till the next annual General Shareholders Meeting. Company Revision Commission consists of 5 members. In accordance with the Regulation on the Revision CommissionApproved by Resolution of the annual General Shareholders Meeting of PJSC IDGC of Siberia (Minutes No. 13 dated 16.06.2017), Company Revision Commission is a permanent elected body of internal control in the Company exercising periodic control over Company financial and economic activity, its separate subdivisions, officials of Company managerial bodies and structural subdivisions of Company executive apparatus, by means of documentary and actual checks of:
- Legitimacy, economic feasibility and efficiency (practicability) of economic and financial transactions made by the Company in the period audited
- Completeness and accuracy of reflection of economic and financial transactions in Company documents
Tasks of the Company Revision Commission are as follows:
- Control over financial and economic activity of the Company
- Independent evaluation of reliability of data specified in the annual report of the Company and annual accounting statements
The Company Revision Commission acts for the benefit of Company shareholders and is subordinate to the General Shareholders Meeting of the Company in its activity.
The Company Revision Commission does not depend on officials of the managerial bodies of the Company when carrying out its activity.
The Company Revision Commission is liable to the General Shareholders Meeting for reliability and objectivity of results of checks performed.
Financial and economic activity of the Company is checked following results of Company activity during a year, as well as at any time on the initiative of the Company Revision Commission, by resolution of the General Shareholders Meeting of the Company, Company Board of Directors or at the request of a shareholder(s) holding minimum 10% of Company voting shares in the aggregate.